The Church of God International in St. Petersburg, FL.
The Church of God International in St. Petersburg, FL.
The Church of God International in St. Petersburg, FL.
The Church of God International in St. Petersburg, FL.

Dear Brethren,
Services have now resumed. For those still immuno-compromised and subject to the "Stay at Home" preference, Sabbath services continue to be broadcast from CGI Medina (cgimedina.org) beginning at 11 am EST. To meet your own schedule, there is also a link to YouTube on that page where the service can be accessed anytime up to about 1:30 and re-started to your convenience. Note: Out of respect for all during COVID 19, and because of the ever changing requirements, we respect attendees preferences. Thank You. Let us not be afraid but be wise and faithful. For consolation … see psalm 91: Psa 91:7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
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Welcome all to The Church of God International / St. Pete.
This symbolic "Lion and Lamb" image is derived from scripture verses in the Book of Isaiah 65:25 and Isaiah 11:6 and in the book of Hosea 2:18 which portray a time when a fierce beast like a lion will live a peaceable co-existence with a gentle lamb during the future kingdom age when Jesus Christ shall reign over of all kingdoms of the Earth as “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS”, with His Kingdom promised to last into eternity (Rev.11:15 and Daniel 7:27) at the second coming of our Saviour who will bring the restitution of all things described in (Act 3:21) as he establish his Kingdom for the greatest Harvest of human souls ever imagined.
Please join us every Saturday(Sabbath) at our St Petersburg location at 11 am, as we delve further into God's amazing Truth and plan for mankind (check with this website for the COVID compliance procedures).
Your CGI family
Click Here to go to the "Armor of God" TV Program;
Ephesians 6:11 - Put on the whole armour of God that
you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Church of God International presents a live Sermon webcast every Sabbath from Tyler, TX, USA — Saturdays 11 am CST Click Here
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